Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure we invite you to participate in the 12th International Symposium “Ecology of Aphidophaga” which will be held first time in Belgrade, Serbia from 9th to 13th September 2013. This continues a series of symposia begun with one organized by Prof. Ivo Hodek (Institute of Entomology, Czech Academy of Sciences) in the former Czechoslovakia in 1965. Ever since, Aphidophaga meetings have offered a unique international forum for discussions of ecological and behavioural interactions among aphid natural enemies and their prey populations. Recently, climatic changes are leading to regional changes in the pest status some aphid species and the appearance of others as newly invasive pests. Aphid predators, parasitoids and pathogens are increasingly regarded as valuable groups for biological control of aphids, whether invasive or otherwise. Widespread resistance of aphids to insecticides, coupled with increasing public appreciation of the generally negative health and environmental impacts of these materials, continues to drive interest in aphid biological control research. These efforts, in turn, hinge on advancing research into fundamental aspects of the biology and ecology of aphid natural enemies in both natural and managed agricultural landscapes.
We look forward to welcoming you to Belgrade at the Ecology of Aphidophaga 12!
Željko Tomanović, JP Michaud, Nickolas G. Kavallieratos and Kris Giles
Ecology of Aphidophaga 12 - Book of Abstracts
- TRANSPORTATION (Free Shuttle Bus):
Symposium Bus leaves from the hotel Palace, on Sunday 08 September, 2013 at 19:45, to the Botanical Garden "Jevremovac" on "Welcome Garden Party".
- Final Program of Symposium
Please preparing your presentation in PowerPoint, and use PP 97-2003 software versions to guarantee they will open successfully on an on-site PC.
We recommend you to save your PowerPoint presentation using PPT format instead of PPS.
0.8 meter width x 1 meter height – square format. The poster should fit within these measurements.
- The early registration deadline for Ecology of Aphidophaga 12, Belgrade, Serbia, Sept. 9-13, has been extended until July 15, 2013.
- Second Circular (February 1, 2013) (*.doc 101KB)